Mandan City Commission
The Mandan City Commission typically meets on the first, third and occasionally the fifth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Mandan City Hall, 205 Second Avenue NW, Mandan, ND 58554.
If you have an idea, concern or other item that you would like to have formally addressed on the agenda, please contact the City Administrator and submit any background information the week prior. Call 701-667-3210 or use the link above to send an e-mail.
Meeting Agendas & Minutes. Agendas for City Commission meetings are typically posted by the Friday afternoon before the meeting. Meeting minutes are posted after they are approved by City Commission, which is typically after the next City Commission meeting. Sign up to receive e-mail notice of City Commission meetings at cityofmandan.com/meetings (click Subscriptions and follow the prompts to sign up to receive email notifications).
If you are seeking information for a meeting held prior to what is posted in this section, please call 701-667-3210 or send an e-mail request.
Local government meetings are televised from City Hall on cable channel 2 and 602 HD. Meetings may also be heard live on Radio Access 102.5 FM or viewed on the Dakota Media Access website. Video-on-demand replays are available.